Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Tim has been having some talks with the chickens as they haven't started laying yet. He's told them that if they didn't start laying soon that he was going to eat them one at a time.

I didn't realize how persuasive his talks were to the chickens. Tonight, when closing them up for the night, Tim spyed an egg! The Partridge Chanteclers have done a good job! This is our first egg from our own chickens.

It's kind of small, but I'm really happy. He found it on the floor of the coop, even though there are nest boxes in there for them to use. We'll need to do some things to make the chickens feel confident to use the boxes.

Now we need to start cajoling/threatening the Barred Hollands!
I'm so happy!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Congrats Jen. I guess I will go out and have the same "talk" with mine. I am so grateful to you and Tim for bringing me that ewe from Scott, she is stealing everyone's heart around here. How are your handsome new additions doing? I wanted to ask you what dyes you use, your colors are beautiful. Well, thanks again!

Eggless in NY